You may remember spend and raise, this has now been replaced with easyfundraising. A simple way to make money for Longwell Green Juniors whilst going about day to day on line shopping. Next time you buy anything on line please go on our web site www.longwellgreensportsjfc.co.uk and select the easyfundraising logo near the top. It will ask you to 'sign up' just to set up your account that is only name and email address. Then go shopping in 2,700 shops in the normal way, the only difference because you went via easyfundraising on our web site Longwell Green Juniors will get a donation from the store - it really is money for nothing! Why not go on now and just take a look at the number of shops. Remember every penny benefits our boys and girls one way or another so please try and remember this when shopping on line, with the Xmas run up what better time! Please share this around with anyone and everyone, absolutely anyone can shop this way and benefit our Juniors |
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